Pieces Fitness

No matter your background,
you will always fit!

The Pieces Fitness Difference

At Pieces Fitness, inclusivity is our top priority. We are the first-ever special needs fitness class designed to target fine and gross motor skills while also focusing on social skills as well. Classes are designed to teach all participants life skills and offer loved ones an opportunity to incorporate physical activity in their routines while spending time with their children. Our classes also include behavioral parent training within the class to provide parents educational support so they can better work with their children at home, in public and in school.

Join us in spreading awareness to build a more inclusive healthier community.

Schedule a Consultation in Orlando, FL

If you are interested in learning more about how Pieces Fitness can help your child, schedule a consultation with one of our highly trained therapists today by calling our office in Orlando, FL at 407-431-0520 or hit the button below to leave us a message

See how Pieces Fitness can make an impactful change!

  • Fine and gross motor skills

  • Behavioral parent training

  • Provided by an ABA Licensed therapist

  • Social Development

  • Specialized strength and endurance training